Free shuttle buses to King Cross Leopolis SEC (Auchan hypermarket)

Free shuttle buses to King Cross Leopolis SEC (Auchan hypermarket)


Starting from August 1, 2015 King Cross Leopolis and Auchan hypermarket launched 2 additional free shuttle buses:


Route: Sykhivska str. (Iskra SC) - King Cross Leopolis (Auchan hypermarket)

Timetable: every 1 hour from 9.15 a.m. to 9.45 p.m.

Attention! The bus runs WITHOUT INTERMEDIATE STOPS!  


Route:  Shevchenka str. (Riasne-1) –King Cross Leopolis (Auchan hypermarket)

Timetable:  every 2 hours from 9 a.m. to 8 p.m.

Attention! The bus runs with 2 INTERMEDIATE STOPS: Riasne-2 and Galicia Hotel.


We would like to remind you that previously King Cross Leopolis and Auchan hypermarket launched a free shuttle bus with the following route:

Chervonoyi Kalyny Avenue (Santa-Barbara) - King Cross Leopolis (Auchan hypermarket)

It runs every 30 minutes from 9 a.m. to 11.p.m. without intermediate stops!

